
Research Article

Incidence of hypertension in a high-risk workgroup (Police officers) - Observational study

Guillermo Padrón Arredondo*

Published: 08 November, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 052-058

Introduction: Hypertension is a silent pathology in a way that affects all four spheres to be considered as such; magnitude, transcendence vulnerability, and feasibility. The World Health Organization estimates that 45% of deaths from heart disease and 51% of deaths from stroke globally are caused by hypertension.

Material and method: A longitudinal, descriptive and quantitative observational study was carried out on the personnel of high-risk public service providers.

Results: The total population sampled was 550 people where it was possible to determine the sex where the disease predominates, since 92% of the hypertensive population belong to the male sex, while 8% of the female population. 57% of the total population were classified as normotensive, while 21% were classified as High Normal, Grade I Hypertension, and Grade II Hypertension.

Discussion: AHT is the result of a series of interactions between endogenous and exogenous factors in an organism that tries to adapt to the increase of the cardiac output and the peripheral resistance of the blood vessels, which is manifested by the increase in blood pressure figures. Physical activity has been shown to have a lower risk of hypertension compared to sedentary individuals. The daily stress these workers face predisposes them to suffer their manifestations as headache, muscle pain, fatigue, digestive disorders and constant elevations of blood pressure.

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Epidemiology; Hypertension; Prevalence; Risk-factors; Psycho-social stressors; Police officers; Outdoor activity


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